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The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 17, 2nd Quarter 2002


Mercury Dental Amalgams:The Controversy Continues - Gary Null, Ph.D., Martin Feldman, M.D.

Gary Null, Ph.D., Martin Feldman, M.D.

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The use of mercury in dental amalgam fillings has been an accepted practice in the United States for more than a hundred years. So it should come as no surprise that most people assume the silvery-looking fillings in their mouths are safe and nontoxic, posing no risk to their health. But is this assumption well founded? An analysis of the scientific evidence on mercury can only lead to a resounding “no.”

Mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can have disastrous health effects. Research shows that mercury is associated with disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and reduced immune functioning. Mercury exposure also presents a risk to fetuses in mothers who have amalgam fillings. California recognized this risk in November 2000 when it became the first state to require dentists to inform their patients that amalgam fillings may cause birth defects.

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