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Report from Israel Solgar’s Second International Congress “Women’s Health”; Haifa, October 27, 1998 Prevention and Treatment of Cancer in Women. Richard Passwater, Ph.D. The risk for breast, ovarian and cervical cancers is influenced by lifestyle, nutrition and genetics and it’s difficult to get clear results from clinical trials. A diet high in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and fiber and low in fats, as well as supplementation of antioxidants such as those found in olive oil, and DHA and EPA fatty acids all show a good results in the prevention and treatment. Twelve researchers have verified the positive value of vitamin C as well as a strong connection to vitamin E and selenium, especially in breast cancer. In 85% of the cases the reason for cancer was not genetic but was related to nutrition and life style Forty grams of alcohol daily leads to a 67% increased risk for breast cancer. Of 600,000 smoking women, 20-30 cigarettes a day and over 40 a day increased the risk 32% and 75% repectively. Red meat in the daily diet means double the risk. Selenium supplements reduced the risk from 90% to 10%, vitamin A by 30%, carotenoids by 20%, vitamin C by 30% and vitamin E by even more. Tamoxifen reduced risk for breast cancer by 50% but raised the risk for ovarian cancer by 240% and for lung cancer by 300%. Indole-3-carbinol found in the cruciferae family destroys carcinogens assisted by enzymatic activity. In another lecture during the congress Dr Passwater discussed the skin. Beyond genetics which play a role as far as the skin is concerned it is recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluids a day, consume sulfur amino acids (cysteine, methionine and taurine) as well as Omega 3 essential fatty acids, Pycnogenol, vitamins C, E and A, selenium, soluble fibers that absorb toxins, probiotics and carotenoids. All the above are important for good building of collagen. In an Israeli research done near the Dead Sea and in Eilat (places with plenty of sun) 30 mg of beta-carotene were shown to prevent the sun’s damage. In 1995 another research was conducted with a dose of 50 mg carotene which prevented sunburn. Vitamin E has shown protective abilities similar to SPF 4 sun-lotion. By adding selenium the protection level is raised and the time taken for post burn cure is lessened. In updated research from 1998, 160 women were given vitamins C and E for 18 months during which there was a 23% decrease in new wrinkle appearance. Pycnogenol has shown the ability to suppress the enzyme that injures the collagen in the skin. Estrogens and Phyto-estrogens Irit Gilad, NT, PhD Of recent interest is the development of hormone replacement therapy drugs with the intent of retaining the positive qualities of estrogen while at the same time avoiding proliferation of cells in the uterus and breast (cancer). They block estrogenic receptors but have a effect similar to estrogen (Reloxifen). The best Phyto-estrogens are extracted from soy (Genistain and diazin) and there are others from fruit and seeds. These Phyto-estrogens attach to estrogen receptors with an effect 1000 times weaker than endogenic estrogen. Their function is regulatory–in excess they will reduce estrogenic effect and in deficiency they will enhance it. There are three groups of Phyto-estrogens: isoflavons, comstans and lignans. They are known to protect against cancer, cholesterol and prevent menopausal symptoms. It is recommended to consume a diet rich with Phyto-estrogens found in fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes and low in fats and red meat. It is also recommended that we supplement with Phyto-estrogens genistain, diazine and with antioxidants. 248 ![]() ISOMNewsLinn McTagart, the editor of an English journal and a health writer, added to this that HRT does not protect against osteoporosis and according to a research done in Massachusetts, USA, taking HRT over at least seven years may provide only temporary protection and as soon as it is discontinued the problems will return very quickly. Beyond this she claims there are studies that show HRT increases blood clotting and thus increases damage to the heart and bones. She quotes 37 other research studies that show HRT caused an increase of the risk for breast cancer by 60%. A good health program should include calcium, magnesium, boron, manganese, vitamins C, D, E, B6, folic acid, protein, DHA, EPA, phyto-estrogenic diet plus a wholesome lifestyle without junk-food, smoking, alcohol, stress and chemicals. Osteoporosis. Stephen Terrass Seventy five million people suffer from osteoporosis around the world of which 25 million are American. Eighty percent of the patients are women, fifty percent of the women are over the age of 50. Of the two million men with osteoporosis in America, 1/3 will die from fractures of the pelvis due to infections. Terrass claims that estrogen is not important to bone metabolism and that hormones should not be given to people but rather the nutrients and correct nutrition that will stimulate and nurture the endogenic secretion of hormones. He says that Fazomex interferes with the activity of the osteoclasts and also causes stomach problems. Excessive phosphorus in the nutrition disrupts calcium metabolism and raises parathyroid activity. Recommended are cherries and blue-berries that help build collagen, as well as legumes, soy, dark green leafy vegetables, sesame seeds and a little grains. Recommended nutrients are calcium (see Table below for absorption rate comparison of the various calcium types), magnesium, boron, zinc, copper. silicon. vitamins C, D, K, isoflavons and the drug Ipriflavone which includes a herbal flavone and increases osteoclast cell activity more than calcium, Terass also recommends the herbs Black Cohosh and Dong Quai. Calcium typeAbsorbtion Rate During Menopause Calcium phosphate 1%-15% Calcium carbonate 20%-22% Calcium citrate 24%-45% Calcium citrate-malate 35% Calcium glycinate 45%-50% Candida. Stephen Terrass In cases of candida albicans overgrowth, the stomach forms gasses that push the candida through the intestines and injure the sphincter which causes hiatus hernia. Part of the solution is in probiotics. Acidophilus is good for the small intestines and Bifidus is good for the large intestines. Acidophilus is known for its ability to increase lactic acid which kills the candida. Research has shown that eating two thirds of the average American sugar consumption per day increased candida by 60%. Recommendations: High fiber, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, some fruit (depends on the severity of the situation but no grapes in any case). No yeast, smoking, pills or antibiotics. Supplements: Vitamin C, zinc, quercetin, L-Glutamine (prevents leaky-gut syndrome). Herbals: golden seal, oregano, echinacea, astragalus, milk-thistle. –Eyal Moskona, OME, NT 45 Pinkas Street Tel-Aviv 62261 Israel |
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