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The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 13, 1st Quarter 1998


Psychometric Evidence That Dental Amalgam Mercury May Be An Etiological Factor in Manic Depression

RL Siblerud, MS; J Motl, MD; E Kienholz, PhD

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Before and after treatment scores on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-11 (MMPI-II) were compared for 11 manic depression subjects who had their amalgams removed and for 9 subjects with amalgams who were told they were being given a placebo or sealant. Of the 87 scales, the amalgam removal group improved significantly more in 47 of them. Depression and hypomania scores improved significantly, as did anxiety, anger, schizophrenia, paranoia, and many others.

Scores on the Millon Clinical Multlaxial Inventory II found the scores in the amalgam removal group improved significantly more in the scales ofavoidant, dependent, antisocial and borderline, compared to the sealant/ placebo group. The scores in the categories 3 f Clinical Personality pattern category and severe Personality Pathology category also improved significantly more in the amalgam removal group.

All scores of the nine dimensions tested in the Symptom Check List 90 improved significantly more in the group with amalgam removal. They included somatization, obsessive compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety, hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoia, and psychotism.

The amalgam removal group reported a 42% decrease in the number of somatic health problems after amalgam removal, compared to an 8% increase in somatic symptoms in the placebo/sealant group when comparing a before and after health questionnaire.

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