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These diverse relationships have major implications for the treatment of hypothyroidism. It has been demonstrated, for example, that in areas of endemic goitre, selenium supplementation by itself induces a dramatic fall in the already impaired thyroid function in clinically hypothyroid subjects (Contempre et al, 1991). This is prob ably because selenium supplementation accelerates the conversion of T4 to T3, which, in individuals who are already iodine deficient, quickly causes T4 reserves to drop. Such a decline in serum T4 levels is likely to be most significant during pregnancy, since this hormone is of major importance to the developing fetal brain. Shortages are known to result in mental retardation and even neurological cretinism (Hetzel, 1989). Interestingly, depressed intelligence also is a feature of populations in regions of selenium deficiency (Svistonova, 1988), suggesting that T3 inadequacy may result in abnormal brain development. Furthermore, it has been argued that T4 and possibly T3 deficiencies play significant roles in both respiratory distress (Schonberger et al. 1981; Lucas et al, 1988; Marsh et al, 1988) and in sudden infant death syndromes (Foster, 1992; 1993). Since there appears to be some maternal transfer of thyroid hormones to the developing fetus, the T4 and T3 status of the mother during pregnancy is also probably very significant (DeLong, 1993). It follows from this discussion, therefore, that selenium supplements should not be given to pregnant women, or those that are likely to become so, unless iodine intake is known to be very adequate. For this reason, it seems preferable to treat premenopausal hypothyroid patients with desiccated thyroid tablets, unless of course their hypothyroidism is due to excess dietary iodine and/or selenium. References
115 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 2, 1995 3. DeLong GR, 1993. Effect of nutrition on brain development in humans. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. Suppl. 57: 186S-290S.
10.Matovinovic J, 1983. Endemic goitre and cretinism at the dawn of the third millennium. Ann. Review Nutr. 3: 341-412. ll.Pharoah POD, Ellis SM, Ekins RP and Williams ES, 1976. Maternal thyroid function, iodine deficiency and fetal development. Clin. Endocrinol. 5: 159-166. 12.Schonberger W, Grimm W, Emmrich P and Gempp W, 1981. Reduction of mortality rate in premature infants by substitution of thyroid hormones. Eur. J. Pediatx. 135: 245-253. 13.Svistonova TP, 1988. Biogeochemical influences on the psychological development of school children (in Kaschin-Beck areas). Abstracts, International Symposium on Environmental Life Elements and Health. Beijing: Academy of Sciences, 283. 14.Tan J, Li R and Zhu W, 1990. Medical geography, in Geographical Society of China (ed.). Recent Development of Geographical Science in China. Beijing: Science Press, 259-279. Harold D. Foster, Ph.D. University of Victoria P.O. Box 8050 Victoria, B.C. V8W 3P5 116 An Alternative Treatment for Tic DouloureuxTrigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) is a disease which causes severe lancinating pain lasting several seconds to several minutes, which may be repeated many times for many months. It is often set off by touching a trigger point, or by an activity such as chewing or brushing one's teeth. The usual treatment consists of drugs such as Tegretol, Baclofen, Phenytoin, and antidepressants, and has included surgery to sever the fifth nerve. But there is an alternative which has worked very well for four of my patients who followed it. September 15, 1992, a woman born in 1915 told me that she had been awakened one night in 1978, screaming from pain on the right side of her face. She suffered over six episodes of the severe pain. She was diagnosed as having tic douloureux. Since then she had not been free of pain. In addition, over the previous year she had also developed severe pain in her jaw diagnosed as arthritis. I advised her to take niacin 500 mg after each meal, ascorbic acid 1000 mg after each meal, B-complex 50s once a day, vitamin E 800 IU daily, vitamin BI2 sublingually 2 mg per day, and folic acid 5 mg twice a day. One week later she was free of pain. September 20, 1994, she called me to discuss something not related to this problem. I asked her about the pain. She replied it was a miracle, and she had not suffered any further pain.. Tic douloureux should be added to the list of diseases which respond to Orthomolecular therapy. The three main elements should be vitamin B12, ascorbic acid and 1-lysine up to 3 g per day. I did not give this patient 1-lysine and she responded well, but with other patients this amino acid has been very helpful. A Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D. 3A - 2727 Quadra Street Victoria, B.C. V8T 4E5 |
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