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The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 9, No.2, 1994


Childhood Schizophrenia

A. Hoffer, M.D., Ph.D.

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Over the past two years drug companies and psychiatrists have reported they now have available several new "wonder drugs" which are superior to anything so far in common use for treating schizophrenia. They are more effective, or have fewer side effects. I have tried them all and I still remain unconvinced that they have made a substantial difference to the patients who have been treated. Yet each drug in turn has been widely promoted as the new answer. I should not be surprised, since this has been happening for the past 30 years with each new tranquilizer being touted as the best, while the ancient ones still remain as useful. It is true that a few patients respond better to the new drugs but, being new, their long-term potential for toxicity remains unknown.

In sharp contrast, it is almost impossible to generate interest in a treatment program that Orthomolecular physicians have been using for 40 years which is more useful than any drugs used alone, i.e. without nutritional therapy and large doses of vitamin B3, vitamin B6 and ascorbic acid, and which is free of toxic side effects.

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