Bioflavonoids, also called vitamin P, are not strictly speaking a vitamin, but for easy classification, we are listing it as a vitamin. The term bioflavonoids refers to many different ingredients and include hesperin, hesperidin, eriodictyol, quercetin, quercertrin, rutin, etc. This nutrient can not be manufactured by the body and must be supplied in the diet.
Bioflavonoids are vital in their ability to increase the strength of the capillaries (blood vessels) and to regulate their permeability. They assist vitamin C in keeping collagen, the intercellular "cement" in healthy condition; are essential for the proper absorption and use of vitamin C; prevents vitamin C from being destroyed in the body by oxidation; beneficial in hypertension; help hemorrhages and ruptures in the capillaries and connective tissues and build a protective barrier against infections. Quercetin is a very highly concentrated form of bioflavonoids derived from citrus fruits.
Bioflavonoids enhance the action of vitamin C and for this reason they should be taken together. Bioflavonoids are effectively used in the treatment of sport injuries as they are pain relieving. They may also be used in relieving pain in the legs and across the back, and can lessen the symptoms of prolonged bleeding, a low serum calcium, as well as oral herpes.
Bioflavonoids may also be active in preserving the structures of capillaries, have an antibacterial effect and promote circulation. They may be indicated in the production of bile, lowering blood cholesterol levels and in the prevention and treatment of cataracts.
Bioflavonoids are thought to enhance the absorption of vitamin C, and possibly to prolong the effectiveness of it as well. These are super active substances, and can add a great deal to your nutritional needs in health and disease.
This nutrient acts together with vitamin C to help maintain the thin walls of the capillaries, therefore preventing bleeding or bruising. Bioflavonoids have been linked to having an antibacterial effect, stimulating bile production, promoting circulation and even assisting with fighting allergies, asthma etc.
If a diet contains enough fruits and vegetables, bioflavonoids should not be deficient, but deficiency would show up as bruising. Bioflavonoids could be of help in iron deficiency, as well as where antioxidants are indicated and none present. Since it helps with the absorption of iron.
Bioflavonoids are found in the white material just beneath citrus peel, as well as in peppers, grapes, pine bark, onions, garlic, blue and red berries, green tea, as well as buckwheat.
Absorption of the bioflavonoids can be a bit slow, but small amounts can be stored in the body. If you are suffering from cold sores, consider taking a supplement of 1,000 mg vitamin C and 1,000 mg bioflavonoids, and then 500 mg of each, three times a day. A daily intake of vitamin C and bioflavonoids may make you less susceptible to cold sores.