NutriCircles® is a special feature of

NutriCircles® were developed at the University of Texas, Austin by Donald R. Davis in collaboration with Roger J. Williams for his book, The Wonderful World Within You (1977, 2004). They show the nutritional quality of foods in a diagram that is far easier to grasp than a long list of numbers.

These graphical illustrations demonstrate how Nature helps us get the nutrients we need, if we cooperate with her in our food choices. Similarly, they help us understand the value of limiting certain man-made foods that unfortunately dominate most Western diets.

NutriCircles® are bar graphs bent into a circle so that the bars are like the petals on a flower. Each bar represents one nutrient in a food, and its length shows the amount of that nutrient. The amounts are expressed in amounts per calorie (known as nutrient density). This method shows the basic quality of a food, which does not depend on serving size.

Click The Image To Enlarge.

A hypothetical "adequate" food would contain one Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of every nutrient in about 2500 Calories (for adults). So NutriCircles use a standard circle of 1 RDA per 2500 Calories.

If a nutrient bar is long enough to reach this standard circle, that nutrient is present in good amounts compared to the calories the food contains. Such bars are blue here. Bars that fall short are red, and so are the nutrient names, which makes it easy to identify bars that are too short to see.

Sample NutriCircles®







Want to see more?

NutriCircles® Viewer for Windows 95/98/NT/2000
40 foods from The Wonderful World Within You, by Dr. Roger J. Williams (1998).

  • Display color diagrams on your computer
  • Change scales to view minor and major nutrients
  • Compare two foods side-by-side
  • See pie charts with types of calories and types of fat
  • Print large diagrams in color or black & white
  • Make overhead slides
  • Show nutrient amounts in any serving size
  • Transfer diagrams to other software

Download Your FreeNutriCircles® viewer Program Now!

NutriCircles® 4.4 for Windows 95/98/NT/2000

Over 3,000 foods, with features galore, including all of the above plus analysis of meals, diets and recipes, Nutritional Wholeness™ and searching for foods high or low in over 60 nutrients. Cost is $99, which includes shipping and handling (delivered in the U.S.A.).

To order by phone, please call 1-800-447-7276. or from Gift of Health Store.

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